Fascinación Acerca de muffins de espinaca

Agrega la mezcla de los líquidos a las mezcla de los secos y revuelve con una cuchara o una espátula. Mezcla por poco tiempo, es preferible no tener muchos grumos, pero algunos cuantos no importarán.

Just use your mixer to mash bananas! Peel and break them into chunks, place in your mixer, and beat until mashed. Beat the rest of the wet ingredients right into this bowl, then beat in the dry ingredients. So easy.

For a lighter version of these muffins, take a look at our Healthy Banana Blueberry Muffins. In that recipe, we swap olive oil for the butter, use whole wheat flour and add blueberries instead of chocolate chips.

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Si quieres aprender a preparar unos muffins que dejaran a todo el mundo con la boca abierta, toma nota de esta receta que tiene como pulvínulo principal el chocolate.

Home › Recetas › Saludables › Muffins de bananas y bocaditos de espinaca para bebés Muffins de bananas y bocaditos de espinaca para bebés

I just made these last night and they were super easy and so quick to make! To make the batter took just about 20 min and I ended up baking them for 30. They turned demodé so moist and the crumble on top is yummy!!

I may have used a bit more banana – very liquidy – so didn’t add the milk, and wow were tender and moist! Oh, did I mention chips chips and more chips!! So very good and quick! Thank you!

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This banana muffin recipe requires a handful of basics like flour, sugar, and milk. That’s what I love about baking– it’s the same ingredients for basically everything.

Tan solo echa en un molde todos los ingredientes y mezcla con una licuadora. Engrasa more info Levemente de mantequilla los moldes de magdalenas y echa la mezcla en su interior.

Paso 4: Preparamos una bandeja para muffins, y llenamos los moldes a ¾ de su capacidad, ayer de hornear pueden adicionar unas cuantas chips de chocolate para hermosear.

7. Stir the batter together until just combined. If you’re adding nuts and/or chocolate chips then fold them in now.

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